Hi Everyone!
My name is Tim and I am an entry level aerospace
engineer continuing on my quest to become an astronaut. I
am set in May to graduate from the University of North Dakota with my
Masters in Science in Space Studies. Over the last 2 years I have been
working in The University of North Dakota's Human Spaceflight Lab
under the direction of Pablo de Leon. I have worked on, built, designed
everything from a personal life support system to a
high attitude balloon payload to an analog lunar rover to spacesuit
components. I am off to a new chapter of my life, I have finished my
education in academia for the time being and I am off to get a job in
the space industry. Also try to make some of that thing called
money, got to pay off those loans somehow.

I am leaving good old Grand Forks, ND and driving down to NASA's
Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX to work in a summer internship with the
National Space Biomedical Research Institute which has placed me in
JSC's Human Factors Group. All I really know is that it gets hot in
Houston but I am looking forward to this summer.
Until next time,